tale_handler.py 4.9 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. import numpy as np
  3. from telegram import (ForceReply, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton,
  4. Chat)
  5. import redis
  6. class Tale:
  7. def __init__(self, text, msg_id, author):
  8. self.text = text
  9. self.msg_id = msg_id
  10. self.author = author
  11. self.upvotes = 0
  12. self.upvoters_id = []
  13. class TaleHandler:
  14. """Helper class to handle storage and retrieval of tales via Telegram"""
  15. def __init__(self):
  16. self.db = redis.StrictRedis()
  17. self.cur_authors = [] # list of tuples (user_id, prompt_msg_id)
  18. self.cur_tales = [] # list of Tale objects (tales to be added to db)
  19. def prompt_user(self, bot, update):
  20. """Prompt user to tell a tale. It will be added to database if upvoted
  21. at least three times
  22. """
  23. if update.message.chat.type != Chat.GROUP:
  24. update.message.reply_text(text='We need to be in a group chat to '
  25. 'add a new tale or anecdote!')
  26. return
  27. user = update.message.from_user
  28. prompt_msg = update.message.reply_text(
  29. text='Ok, %s, tell me your story!' % user.first_name,
  30. reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id,
  31. reply_markup=ForceReply(selective=True))
  32. self.cur_authors.append((user.id, prompt_msg.message_id))
  33. def handle_new_tale(self, bot, update):
  34. """Start the upvoting procedure when a new tale is received"""
  35. tale_msg = update.message
  36. author = tale_msg.from_user
  37. reply_to_msg = tale_msg.reply_to_message
  38. reply_to_id = reply_to_msg.message_id if reply_to_msg is not None else 0
  39. if (author.id, reply_to_id) not in self.cur_authors:
  40. # this is not a tale. do nothing
  41. return
  42. self.cur_authors.remove((author.id, reply_to_id))
  43. t = Tale(text=tale_msg.text,
  44. msg_id=tale_msg.message_id,
  45. author=author)
  46. self.cur_tales.append(t)
  47. thumb_up = u'\U0001F44D'
  48. b = InlineKeyboardButton(thumb_up + ' 0', callback_data=str(t.msg_id))
  49. keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[b]])
  50. tale_msg.reply_text(
  51. text='Alright, I need three upvotes to add this tale to my database',
  52. reply_to_message_id=tale_msg.message_id,
  53. reply_markup=keyboard)
  54. def save_tale(self, bot, update):
  55. """Add tale to db when upvoted three times"""
  56. query = update.callback_query
  57. voter = query.from_user
  58. # retrieve tale
  59. t = filter(lambda t: t.msg_id == int(query.data), self.cur_tales)
  60. if len(t) == 0:
  61. # could not find this tale. this should never happen
  62. # TODO log an error
  63. return
  64. t = t[0]
  65. if voter.id == t.author.id:
  66. # authors cannot upvote their own story
  67. bot.answer_callback_query(
  68. callback_query_id=query.id,
  69. text=voter.first_name + ' '
  70. 'tried to upvote their own tale...classic')
  71. elif voter.id in t.upvoters_id:
  72. bot.answer_callback_query(
  73. callback_query_id=query.id,
  74. text=voter.first_name + ' upvoted...again')
  75. else:
  76. t.upvoters_id.append(voter.id)
  77. t.upvotes += 1
  78. bot.answer_callback_query(
  79. callback_query_id=query.id,
  80. text=voter.first_name + ' upvoted the tale')
  81. if t.upvotes == 3:
  82. n_tale = self.db.incr('n_tales')
  83. self.db.hset(str(n_tale), 'author', t.author.first_name)
  84. self.db.hset(str(n_tale), 'tale', t.text)
  85. bot.editMessageText(chat_id=query.message.chat_id,
  86. message_id=query.message.message_id,
  87. text='Tale saved to database')
  88. else:
  89. thumb_up = u'\U0001F44D'
  90. button = InlineKeyboardButton(thumb_up + str(t.upvotes),
  91. callback_data=query.data)
  92. keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[button]])
  93. bot.editMessageText(chat_id=query.message.chat_id,
  94. message_id=query.message.message_id,
  95. text=query.message.text,
  96. reply_markup=keyboard)
  97. def tell_a_tale(self, bot, update):
  98. """Tell a tale about LCM"""
  99. msg = update.message
  100. n_tales = self.db.get('n_tales')
  101. if not n_tales:
  102. text = ("I don't know any tales or anecdotes about LCM yet. "
  103. 'Teach me one using the /addatale command!')
  104. msg.reply_text(text=text)
  105. else:
  106. rnd_tale = str(np.random.randint(1, int(n_tales) + 1))
  107. t = self.db.hgetall(rnd_tale)
  108. msg.reply_text(text="This one's from " + t['author'] + ":")
  109. msg.reply_text(text=t['tale'])