#!/usr/bin/python ##Forkato da labcalcoloctl di Elisa Aliverti ##Autore: Nicolo' Palazzini ##Ultima modifica: 2/05/2019 from time import time start = time() import argparse #import textwrap import os import subprocess, sys from threading import Thread #from getpass import getpass choices = ('status','start','stop') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Simple tool to handle xfreerdp on LCM nodes.', usage='xfreerdpctl {'+','.join(choices)+'} [options]') ## positional arguments parser.add_argument( 'cmd', nargs="?", choices=choices, default='status', help='Specify command to execute, default is \'status\'' ) ## optional arguments parser.add_argument( '-a', '--all', action='store_true', dest='lcm', help='All LCM nodes are considered' ) parser.add_argument( '-n', nargs='+', dest='node', help='Select one or more nodes (at least one)' ) parser.add_argument( '-1', '--lcm1', action='store_true', dest='lcm1', help='LCM1 nodes are considered' ) parser.add_argument( '-2', '--lcm2', action='store_true', dest='lcm2', help='LCM2 nodes are considered' ) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.0', help='Print program version' ) args = parser.parse_args() def print_progressbar(index, num) : sys.stdout.write('\r [' + '='*index + '>'*(1-int(index/num)) + ' '*(num-index-1) + ']') sys.stdout.flush() class Host(Thread): # Constructor def __init__(self, name, location): # Fork the thread first thing Thread.__init__(self) # Variables initialization self.hostname = name self.location = location self.running = False self.up = False # Run method called on Thread start. Check if host is up and if is running a VM def run(self) : if self.isup() : self.up = True self.running=self.status() # Ping the host to see if it's up def isup(self): # Is the host up? ping = os.popen("ping -w1 -c1 " + self.hostname, "r") # print("pinging " self.hostname) if "0 received" in ping.read(): return False else: return True def sshcommand(self, command): if self.up: ssh = subprocess.Popen( ["ssh", "%s" % self.hostname, command], shell = False, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE ) return ssh else: print self.hostname + ' is not up.' return False def status(self): statuscmd = "ps aux | grep 'xfreerdp' | grep -v grep" ssh = self.sshcommand(statuscmd) result = [ l for l in ssh.stdout.readlines() if '/usr/bin/xfreerdp /cert-ignore /f /v:tolab.fisica.unimi.it' in l ] if result == []: return False else: return True def xstart(self): if self.up: if not self.running: startcmd = "startx /usr/bin/xfreerdp /cert-ignore /f /v:tolab.fisica.unimi.it &> /dev/null &" self.sshcommand(startcmd) print 'xfreerdp started on ' + self.hostname else: print 'xfreerdp is already running on ' + self.hostname else: print self.hostname + ' is not up.' def xstop(self): if self.up: if self.running: # Try to kill sending SIGTERM, wait, check if running and if so issue SIGKILL. # (Do this asynchronously, on the remote node) stopcmd = '''PCMDL="/usr/bin/xfreerdp /cert-ignore /f /v:tolab.fisica.unimi.it" pkill -xf "$PCMDL" sleep 5 pgrep -xf "$PCMDL" && \ pkill -9 -xf "$PCMDL"''' self.sshcommand(stopcmd) print 'xfreerdp stopped on ' + self.hostname else: print 'xfreerdp is not running on ' + self.hostname else: print self.hostname + ' is not up.' Hosts = [ Host('abe', 'LCM1'), Host('crash', 'LCM1'), Host('duke', 'LCM1'), Host('glados', 'LCM1'), Host('lara', 'LCM1'), Host('link', 'LCM1'), Host('king', 'LCM1'), Host('pang', 'LCM1'), Host('pong', 'LCM1'), Host('snake', 'LCM1'), Host('sonic', 'LCM1'), Host('spyro', 'LCM1'), Host('yoshi', 'LCM1'), Host('actarus', 'LCM2'), Host('elwood', 'LCM2'), Host('gex', 'LCM2'), Host('gin', 'LCM2'), Host('jake', 'LCM2'), Host('kirk', 'LCM2'), Host('martini', 'LCM2'), Host('picard', 'LCM2'), Host('q', 'LCM2'), Host('raziel', 'LCM2'), Host('sarek', 'LCM2'), Host('spock', 'LCM2'), Host('tron', 'LCM2'), Host('worf', 'LCM2'), Host('zombie', 'LCM2') ] nodes = [] # Filter hostlist according to arguments if args.lcm: nodes = Hosts elif args.lcm1: nodes = [ host for host in Hosts if host.location == 'LCM1' ] elif args.lcm2: nodes = [ host for host in Hosts if host.location == 'LCM2' ] elif args.node: nodes = [ j for j in Hosts if j.hostname in args.node ] for i in nodes : i.start() running=[] down=[] num=len(nodes) index=0 print ' Querying ' + str(num) + ' hosts...' for i in nodes: # Rejoin them when their work is done i.join() if i.running: running.append(i.hostname) if not i.up : down.append(i.hostname) index += 1 print_progressbar(index, num) # New line after progress bar print '\n Done... (%(t).3f s)' % {'t': (time() - start)} if args.cmd == 'status': if len(running): print "xfreerdp is running on:" for i in running : print '\t',i else: print "xfreerdp is not running" if len(down): print "Down nodes:" for i in down : print '\t',i elif args.cmd == 'start': for i in nodes: i.xstart() elif args.cmd == 'stop': for i in nodes: i.xstop()