# `vaporget` `vaporget` allows to easily retrieve and listen to `v a p o r w a v e` music stored in the Vaporwave Library Project (specifically, in the clone at https://vaporwave.ivan.moe/, thanks to Ivan Moe). ## Required software `vaporget` is a `POSIX` `sh` script and requires that the following software is installed on the user's computer: * `sed` * `grep` * `xargs` * [`wget`](https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/) * [`dialog`](https://invisible-island.net/dialog/) * [`mpv`](https://mpv.io/) Tested on `GNU/Linux`, expected to work on every system with a `POSIX` Shell and required software. ## Usage After launching the script, if the connection with the music library succeeds a menu with a list of artists will appear. Select the artists you want to listen to (with the spacebar) and then press enter. `mpv` will fetch the music and reproduce it. To pass options (both long and short) directly to `mpv`, use `-m "[mpv_option_1],[mpv_option_2],..."`. For example to pass `mpv` options `--shuffle`, `--start=50%` and `-v` use: ``` vaporget -m "shuffle,start=50%,v" ``` See `MPV(1)` for command line options and interactive use of the music player.